Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm not falling for this trick again...

My younger daughter just recently turned 18 months and I am completely in love with her. I mean completely.

She says Mommy just enough times to remind me that she loves me but not too much so it starts sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

She gives kisses and hugs upon command.

I ask her to lay down to change her diaper and she does.

Her vocabulary is just enough so she can communicate, but can't argue.

When we ask her what sound a duck makes, she walks around the house quacking for the next 10 minutes.

She sits in front of the TV with perfect posture.

I tell her its time to go to bed and she starts walking upstairs.

She is compliant and cute and wonderful.

And this, my friends, is the trick. How many people do you know that have kids a little more than two years apart? Get it ...18 + 9 = a little more than two years. This is the age when the reproduction hormones start sucking you in...

But not me, oh no. I'm done! It's over! This store is closed. So stop hugging, kissing, listening and being cute because its not going to work. You're not getting a younger sibling...not now anyways...

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