Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Freedom is Here

The husband got a new job. For most folks this would not be so life changing, but for me it is.

He got his current job when our oldest was just five months old, and it really changed our lives.

He would typically leave the house around 5 am and get home around 8 pm. When the kids were infants, he would go the whole week with out seeing them.

I was basically a single mom, Monday through Thursday. I didn't mind, but it just created an odd division of labor in the house. He got them ready for school maybe 10 times in three years. Picked them up maybe 12 times in that time, primarily due to me having to travel for work. When I did have to travel for work, it was if the world stopped. Everything was out of wack.

My life was limited too -- I avoided business trips, I never went out during the week without the kids -- I think I went once and got a sitter. Never went to the grocery store during the week. I had to squeeze my whole life in between 7 am and 6:30 pm -- when the girls were in daycare.

After #2 was born, and she started moving, I needed help. We hired someone to come over a few nights a week to help me clean up and do laundry and watch the kids. This is when the husband really got some relief. When he did walk in at 8:30, I didn't have to ask him to clean up or move laundry or any of that. Lets face it, he had it easy at home.

Now, things change. He will work normal hours and have an extra 4 hours a day -- less commuting time and less time at his desk. I think he is in a little bit of shock. He isn't quite sure what he will do with this time. That makes me cackle like the evil witch that I am...Don't worry, I say, there will be plenty for you to do.

Just yesterday, I saw him folding laundry for the first time in years...I think a little tear came to my eye.

Leaving the sarcasm behind, it will be nice for us to have family dinners all the time, not just on weekends. And the kids will love having him around more. And me, yeah, I like him too -- It will be good to see him more than an hour a day.

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