Sunday, March 9, 2008

Keeping up with the.....Elmos

Next weekend the family is headed to a big party at Sesame Place. 70 people, 2 and a half hours of pizza, ice cream, Elmo & Big Bird. This is sure to be the party of the year. The birthday boy is turning three.

The cost is the same amount I paid for a week at an all inclusive resort in Jamaica, for a family of four.

Thats what gets me.

For my daughter's 3rd birthday I was particularly proud of the party -- I had stayed up past my usual bed time of 10 pm to hang up some awesome looking streamers. You know, the streamers you used to tie to the bus on the last day of school? Yes, those streamers.

Hmmm, streamers or Elmo? interesting contrast.

I don't really fret too much about the "keeping up with the Joneses" type thing -- but clearly I think about it or else I wouldn't be writing this blog.

I guess I find it fascinating more than anything. Definitively, people choose to differentially invest their cash. Some folks drive klunker cars, but travel on a regular basis. Some live is modest homes, but wear huge rocks on their ears. It is a great sociological study to observe which outlets people use to demonstrate their socio-economic status. Clearly, many choose to demonstrate status through their children, which is completely understandable, as they are seen as the "pride and joy" of their parents.

It is this mentality that feeds MTV shows like "My super sweet sixteen" (so worth the time, btw). It is also this mentality that scares the be-jesus out of me.

When I was in grad school I remember I ate a veggie burger for lunch every day for a month I was so broke. No lettuce, no tomato, no bun -- just meat substitute warmed in the microwave. I lived with six other people, and my room barely fit a double bed. I called my mom once for money, she sent me a stuffed animal. (Note to self: cut and paste this section and read to kids on regular basis. Will be the "I carried ice on my back" type story to toughen them up). It was rough, but it was one of those "formative" experiences.

Now, if 7 years earlier I had been eating foi gras at my super sweet sixteen, would I have been able to handle that??

I just wonder when will these kids get kicked off the luxury bus and put in the real world?

Granted, this kid is three, so he's got some time. Maybe for his birthday I'll get him a box of veggie burgers.


Susan said...

Wow, sounds like a bar mitzvah 10 years early!

So... can we crash? HAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

Sounds should have a show super pre-school parties. If you wanted to be real nice you could go to Sam's club and buy him the bulk size package of boca burgers!!!