Friday, May 9, 2008


Do you ever wish that you could hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your life? You know, just a break. A ten minute, twenty minute...okay 30 second break, where you could catch you breath and think.

Two weeks ago I had a horrible week with the three year old. She was just so whiny and unhappy with every move I made, it was just so frustrating. A few times, I just walked away from her, because I just couldn't deal, but I was still brewing inside. I am not good at compartmentalizing these sort of things...they eat away at me, until i break...and that breaking point is not pretty. I would have loved from time to freeze for three minutes, and all goes quiet and I can go outside breathe in fresh air and just...collect myself. This thought is a fantasy, but I'll hold on to it...

The other night the husband was rambling to me about his day. I personally had quite a day. I am in the middle of transitioning to a new job. All day I am overloaded with new acronyms, new people and new businesses that I do not understand. Its like the first weeks of college, minus the drinking...Anywoo, I have been so exhausted at night. My mind is just mush. As he's telling me his tales of woe, all I can think is....please be quiet. At that moment, I wanted my "do not disturb" sign, so I could just continue reading my girlie magazine and give my brain the time it needed to decompress.

A few weeks ago, I traveled for work and I got a break. Problem was, I didn't need it. I was in the car by myself, in the hotel by myself, but the whole time thinking, "it's so quiet. shouldn't I be doing something more?" At that time I didn't need the break, but I had the time. It's the irony, like Murphy's Law...when you don't need something you get it. When you need five minutes to yourself, you can barely get time to pee. Aaah, life.

Do you think saying, "Calgon, take me away" works?

Do you think admitting that I remember that commercial reveals my age?

aaah, life.

1 comment:

Susan said...
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