Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, here's a cheerio

On Mother's Day I cleaned out my car.

Odd as it sounds, it was actually a rare 30 minutes when I felt I had the time to actually clean the car, and not worry about a million other things -- so I was actually excited to do it.

Since I am the kid chauffeur, my car is ...disgusting. It is a compost pile. For the most part it doesn't smell bad, but some times it does.

I create this mess....Every morning the kids have a snack as we go to school. The containers of the aforementioned snack go on the floor, because by the time we get to school I am in fully focused on getting both out of the car, into their classes as soon as humanly possible.

"Hurry up, Mom has an 8 o'clock with Europe!"
"What's Europe's last name? Is Europe a boy or a girl?"
"Just hurry up!"

At pick up there is another snack, and then of course the papers that they give you every day -- all of which ends up on the floor. Keep in mind that number 2 is only 18 months, so her snack usually ends up 50% on the floor anyways. Her hand to mouth completion rate is not that great. Then number 2 loves to take off her socks and shoes. And jacket.

Add to this mess my purse, gym bag and my work bag and its a disaster. (And I wonder why there are bits of cheerios in my designer purse...)

Then times that by five and that's what my car is exposed to on a weekly basis.

Ironically, I felt that cleaning out was the perfect thing to do on Mother's Day...this car, and the abuse we put it through is symbolic of the crazy life of a mom. It may smell bad, but I have to power through. It maybe filled with crap, but it still runs. It's chaos, but its my chaos.

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